Drinking with a Concussion Featured Image

Concussion and Alcohol: The Risks of Drinking with a Concussion

Effects of Alcohol on Concussion Recovery Alcohol consumption during the recovery phase can severely disrupt the healing process. Here is a detailed look at how alcohol interacts with a recovering brain: Alcohol and Brain Health Post-Concussion After suffering a concussion, the brain becomes especially vulnerable to the adverse effects of alcohol. Consuming alcohol during this critical recovery period can significantly …

Exploring Study Drugs Featured Image

Study Drugs Addiction Among Students

Types of Study Drugs Risks and Side Effects The misuse of study drugs or smart drugs carries significant health risks and potential negative effects. Without a prescription, students risk addiction, mental health issues, and a range of physical side effects. Stimulants like amphetamines and methylphenidates can cause irregular heartbeat and blood pressure, leading to cardiovascular problems. Stimulant drugs can also …